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S. Croce cemetery 032.1 Bonaccolti family

Rosselli Number 32.0
Memorial Type
Status transferred
Current Repository na
Primary Installation floor
Secondary Installation unk
Tomb Form unk
Liturgical Orientation unk
Documented Types
  • sepoltura
Decorative Elements
Database ID 31774


late 13th or early 14th century

Inscriptions (1 total)

784 S. de Buonacoltis The tomb of the Bonaccolti family

Individuals (4 total)

Malescotti Bonaccolti, Buonaccolto di Filippo di Lapo di Baldovinetto
after October 29th, 1370
Malescotti Bonaccolti, Caterina (mona) di Bonaccolto di Filippo di Lapo di Baldovinetto (uxor ser Zanobi di ser Mino Brunacci)
early 15th century
Brunacci, Zanobi (ser) di S. Mino di S. Domenico
before March 22nd, 1420
Brunacci, Jacopo di S. Zanobi di S. Mino
after 1427 but before 1446

Groups (1 total)

Malescotti Bonaccolti
through the early 15th century

Related Memorials (4 total)

S. Croce cemetery 031 ser Ridolfo Petrasini
S. Croce cemetery 032.2 sons of S. Zanobi di S. Mino de Brunacci:
after 1440 e
S. Croce cemetery 033.1 Altoviti:
through the mid 14th century
S. Croce cemetery 033.2 Domenico di Goro Gorini:
before 1439


  • [a] Buonaccolto's father Filippo was still alive on October 29th, 1370. His daughter Caterina, likely born in the 1390s, in turn inherited the tomb at some point prior to 1439.
  • [b] Ser Zanobi's wife had patronage rights to the Bonaccolti family tomb before 1439. At some point after 1440 it was refurbished with an inscription that read: The tomb of the sons of ser Zanobi di ser Mino de Brunacci. See ASFi, Manoscritti, 619, fol. 8, no. 32 for the pre-1439 inheritance and 253, fol. 1423v for the tomb's inscription.
  • [c] Jacopo's mother Caterina had patronage rights to the Bonaccolti family tomb before 1439, but it had not yet been refurbished with a slab honoring her sons as recorded by Stefano Rosselli and the Priorista Mariani (S. filiorum S. Zanobi S. Mini de Brunaccis). Jacopo was living with his mother in 1427, as attested by her catasto declaration, but he is not listed among her sons in her 1446 declaration. It is possible he was dead by 1439 given that his brothers appeared in the scrutiny of that year, but he does not seem to have been included given their presence and his absence in the Online Tratte. More research into gravedigger and election records would clarify his date of death and location of burial.
  • [d] The daughter of Bonaccolto di Filippo di Lapo inherited this tomb suggesting that it had been installed by him or his ancestors using one of several surnames the clan employed. Given that Bonaccolto's grandfather had installed a tomb nearby with his name on it (S. Lapi Baldovinetti de Malescottis Buonaccolti), it is likely that this tomb, carrying only the family name (S. de Bonaccoltis) was the older of the two.
  • [e] Mona Caterina, widow of ser Zanobi, had inherited the Bonaccolti family tomb by 1439, but its refurbishment with a new slab honoring her husband's sons does not appear in the sepoltuari until Stefano Rosselli in the mid-seventeenth century.