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Giovanni Villani recognized the dal Bagno, called the Bagnesi, as the chief family of the sesto di San Piero Scheraggio. They were branded as magnates in 1293 and again in 1295, but returned to popolani status and were seated in the priorate eighteen times starting on January 1st, 1347, representing the Leon Nero district of the Santa Croce quarter. They held patronage rights to their parish church of San Remigio.

Alternate Names

  • Bagnese
  • Bagno
  • Balneo
  • Bellincini
  • Bellinzini

Heraldry Information

D'azzurro, alla fascia d'argento, i.e.

Azure, a fess argent, i.e.

Blue shield with a wide, silver, horizontal band

Group Type
Held One or More Priorates? yes
Year of First Priorate 1347
Year of Last Priorate 1528
Total Priorates Held 18
Ceramelli Number 273
Branded Magnate? yes
Malespini Lineage yes
Dante Lineage no
Villani Lineage yes
Molho Rank Some Status
Padgett Rank Exmagnate
Padgett Lineage yes
Litchfield Lineage yes
Database ID 531

Family Members (44 total)

Memorials (12 total)

Cimitero Canonico 070 Compagno del Bagno
S. Croce 77 Belligiardo Bagnesi
since 1348
S. Croce cemetery 243 Bagnesi family
S. Croce cemetery 246 Bianciardo Bagnesi
S. Croce crypt 259 sepoltura Arnolfo di Bardo di M. Raineri Bagnesi
S. Remigio 01a Cappella Maggiore de Bagnesi
S. Remigio 01b Altar Maggiore
circa 1267 (date is approximate) to 1717
S. Remigio 01c ciborio
1584 to circa 1717 (date is approximate)
S. Remigio 22 tabernacolo della Madonna de Bagnesi e Rinieri
S. Remigio 24 Altare de Bagnesi
S. Remigio 37 pulpito de Bagnesi
S. Remigio 47 sep. Raineri di M. Arrigo Bagnesi

Related Individuals (4 total)

Albizzi, Piera (uxor Tommaso di Arnolfo Bagnesi)
Rinieri, Catharina (uxor Cristoforo Bagnesi)
Sacchetti, Rovinosa di Albizzo di Rovinoso di Merlo (uxor Rinieri Bagnesi)
Viviani Franchi, Antonia di S. Viviano di Neri (uxor Ranieri Bagnesi)

Related Groups (4 total)

Cocchi Compagni (family)
Compagni (family)
da Castiglionchio (family)
da Volognano (family)

Buildings (1 total)

S. Remigio
1267 to 1428


  • [a] Though it is not known how the Bagnesi marked the high altar as under their patronage, Rosselli describes their coat of arms painted and sculpted in numerous places in the high altar chapel, which likely included decoration on the altar itself. The family went extinct when Senator Giuliano Bagnesi died in the early seventeenth century, but their coat of arms remains in a few places in the cappella maggiore and on the eastern nave piers.