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Ruspoli, Orazio di Bartolomeo di Lorenzo di Giovanni di Zanobi

Alternate Forenames

  • Horatius
Birth Family Ruspoli
Gender male
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 12035

Life Dates

September 18th, 1542

Memorials (4 total)

Chiesa Nuova 1a Cappella dell'Annunciazione
Chiesa Nuova 1b Ruspoli tomb 1591
1589 to 1591
Chiesa Nuova 1b Ruspoli tomb 1591
1591 to present
Chiesa Nuova 1b Ruspoli tomb 1591
after 1591

Locations (1 total)

Rome, Lazio, Italy

Sources (3 total)

BNCF, Collezione Genealogica Passerini vol. 191, ins. 28 (Ruspoli), fol. 10
ASF, Manoscritti, 625, Rosselli, Sepoltuario Fiorentino, 1657 (copy) pp. 1494, no. 1
ASF, Manoscritti, 519, Carte Mariani Dei vol. 519/3, ins. 37 (Peri, Ruspoli, Del Benino), p. 137


  • [a] As a patron of the tomb, it seems likely that Orazio would have chosen it as his burial place.