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Chiesa Nuova 1a Cappella dell'Annunciazione

Alternate Names

  • Altare de' Ruspoli
Rosselli Number 1.0
Memorial Type chapel
Status extant
Current Repository in situ
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation N
Documented Types
  • sacellum
Component Parts
  • mensa
  • tomb
  • b
  • mural
  • plaque c
Decorative Elements
  • d
Database ID 30689


1591 e
1662 f

Inscriptions (1 total)

1960 ANNVNCIATE VIRGINI / ALEXANDER ET HORATIVS RVSPOLI / FRATRES FLORENTINI / SACELLVM HOC A FVNDAMENTIS ERECTVM / ORNATVM AC DOTATVM•D D• / HICQ• BARTHOLOMEO PRI DEFVNCTO / ET SIBI AC POSTERIS / SEPVLCHRVM CONSTITVERVNT / A S MDXCI For the Annunciate Virgin, Alessandro and Orazio Ruspoli, Florentine brothers, gave this shrine erected from its foundation, decorated, and endowed as a gift and set up this tomb for their dead father and for themselves and their descendants in the year of salvation 1591

Individuals (4 total)

Ruspoli, Alessandro di Bartolomeo di Lorenzo di Giovanni di Lorenzo
Ruspoli, Bartolomeo di Lorenzo di Giovanni di Lorenzo di Zanobi
Ruspoli, Orazio di Bartolomeo di Lorenzo di Giovanni di Zanobi
Ruspoli, Bartolomeo (marchese) di Orazio di Bartolomeo di Lorenzo di Giovanni
May 6th, 1612

Groups (1 total)

1591 to today

Related Memorials (1 total)

Chiesa Nuova 1b Ruspoli tomb 1591:


  • [a] The Ruspoli altar is the fifth in the left aisle.
  • [b] The Annunciation by Domenico Cresti "il Passignano" is still in situ.
  • [c] An oval marker placed under the altar marks the tomb and commemorates the construction of the altar, its patrons and their father, and who had rights of burial in the tomb. The inscription, which applies to both altar and tomb, is attached to this record, and additional details about the tomb's honorees and burials can be found in a separate entry.
  • [d] The ASFi copyist of Stefano Rosselli, who appended tombs from Rome to the original sepoltuario, indicated two coats of arms in the Ruspoli chapel (see images above). One represented the family's arms of a six-peaked mount, with its surmounting bifurcated grapevine only hinted at in pencil. The second stemma shows the impaled arms of the Ruspoli on the left, again with only a slight squiggle in pencil indicating the requisite vines, and a cross on the right. This might be the incomplete arms of the Ardinghelli family, representing the family of Bartolomeo's wife and the patrons' mother Maria Ardinghelli. The lack of any amendment in pencil to indicate that the Ardinghelli cross contained a lozenge pattern leaves open that it could refer to another entity or addition to the Ruspoli family arms.
  • [e] 1591 saw the installation of the altar's inscription and the completion of frescoed decoration by Andrea Lilli of scenes of the life of the Virgin and other Holy Women.
  • [f] Lilli's frescoes suffered decay and in 1662 some were covered over by polychrome marble and stucco decoration. The Archivio di Stato copyist, who added the churches of Rome, only copied the altar's inscription with no discussion of any other decoration.