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Pandolfini, figliuola di Battista di Pandolfo di M. Giannozzo di M. Agnolo

Alternate Forenames

  • bambina
  • figluola
Birth Family Pandolfini
Gender female
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 12638

Life Dates

January 24th, 1502

Memorials (1 total)

Badia 041 monumento Filippo di S. Giovanni Pandolfini
January 24th, 1502

Extended Family (128 total)

Siblings in law
Great grandparents
Great great grandparents
Aunts and uncles
Great aunts and uncles
Great great aunts and uncles
Nieces and nephews
Great nieces and nephews
Great great nieces and nephews
First cousins
Second cousins
Third cousins
First cousins once removed
First cousins twice removed


  • [a] The Badia's necrology only notes that she was buried in the family tomb. Given that her father's chapel was under construction, it is most likely that she was buried in the church tomb installed by his great-great-grandfather, only nineteen days after her cousin Bartolomeo.