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Pandolfini, Pierfilippo di Giannozzo di Pierfilippo di M. Giannozzo di M. Agnolo

Birth Family Pandolfini
Gender male
Age at Death 64
Database ID 12850

Life Dates

January 28th, 1522
1551 a
March 29th, 1586

Extended Family (93 total)

Half siblings
Parents in law
Great grandparents
Great great grandparents
Aunts and uncles
Great aunts and uncles
Great great aunts and uncles
First cousins
Second cousins
Third cousins
First cousins once removed
First cousins twice removed

Sources (2 total)

BNCF, Collezione Genealogica Passerini vol. 46, Genealogia ed istoria della famiglia Pandolfini, 1849, pp. 243, 264
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 416103


  • [a] Ginevra di Giovanni di Antonio Gerini
  • [b] most likely candidate given proximity of her birth to his marriage