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Alamanni, Maria di M. Piero di Francesco di Piero (uxor Piero di Ranieri Ricasoli, poi Filippo di Andrea Carducci)


According to a Libro dei Morti kept by the friars at Santa Croce, Maria chose burial not in the Carducci family tomb of her second huband (she is noted in the ledger as his widow) but rather among her Alamanni ancestors. She is noted as both a Carducci widow and an Alamanni daughter, and it is notable to see her exercise her right of burial choice to return to her natal family.

Birth Family Alamanni
Gender female
Age at Death unknown
Database ID 14854

Life Dates

1495 a
1498 b
March 14th, 1553

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce crypt 067 Benincasa Alamanni
March 14th, 1553

Related Groups (2 total)

1498 to 1553
1495 to circa 1498 (date is approximate)

Sources (1 total)


  • [a] Maria's first marriage was to Piero di Ranieri Ricasoli.
  • [b] Maria's second marriage was to Filippo d'Andrea Carducci