Birth Family | Alamanni |
Gender | female |
Age at Death | 61 |
Database ID | 263 |
April 19th, 1433 |
birth |
1448 |
marriage |
July 26th, 1494 |
death |
Siblings | |
Parents in law | |
Siblings in law | |
Grandparents | |
Great grandparents | |
Great great grandparents | |
Great aunts and uncles | |
Great great aunts and uncles |
Nieces and nephews | |
Great nieces and nephews | |
First cousins twice removed |
ASF, Manoscritti, 624, Rosselli, Sepoltuario Fiorentino, 1657 (copy) | pp. 276 |
ASF, Manoscritti, Carte Pucci | vol. 592, ins. 6 (Alamanni) |
ASF, Manoscritti, Carte Pucci | vol. 595, ins. 29 (Castellani), fol. 1v |