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Location Type
Database ID 196

Individuals (18 total)

Barducci Cherichini, Cherichino di Jacopo “Cherico”
Barducci Cherichini, Jacopo “Cherico”
Bonfantini, Lapo di Pazzo
delle Botte, Villana (beata) di Andrea di M. Lapo di Mongia di Rosso (uxor Rosso di Piero di Stefano Benintendi)
Canigiani, Bernardo di Francesco di Giorgio di Bartolo di Coppo birth
March 16th, 1399
Canigiani, Bonifazio di Francesco di Giorgio di Bartolo di Coppo (detto Fazio) birth
Canigiani, Giorgio di Francesco di Giorgio di Bartolo di Coppo birth
July 14th, 1404
Canigiani, Giovanni di Antonio di Jacopo di Gherardo di Volpe birth
November 28th, 1404
Canigiani, Jacopo di Coppo di Bindo di Bindo di Bartolo birth
Canigiani, Taddeo di Vanni di Cere di Peloso di Aldobrandino
Guicciardini, Francesco di M. Piero
Guicciardini, Piero (messer) di Ghino di Tuccio di Guicciardino g death
March 22nd, 1370
Guidetti, Bastiano di Filippo di Guidetto di Paperino di Alessandro
del Nero, Francesco di Neri di Filippo di Ventura
Sassolini, Giovanni di Arrigo di Sassolo
Tieri, Tiero “Fula” di Puccio
del Vigna, Antonio di Jacopo di Naddo di Ammanato Prosperi
Visdomini, Tora di Bonifazio (uxor Francesco di Giorgio Canigiani)

Related Locations (1 total)


  • [a] The Priorista Mariani used a tomb and coat of arms from a monument in Santa Felicita dedicated to one Niccolò Faffi, though it is possible that he and his arms belonged to a separate family from Lapo del Bene.
  • [b] born in this district; family associated with this parish
  • [c] born in this district, family associated with this parish
  • [d] born in this district, family associated with this parish
  • [e] born in this district, family associated with this parish
  • [f] Taddeo served the Sixteen for this gonfalone, and he endowed a chapel in this parish church.
  • [g] messer Piero spent his early career in Chiarenza, Morea, and Naples, but his permanent residence was in the parish where he endowed a family chapel and tomb.
  • [h] Bastiano served this gonfalone in the Tre Maggiore and shared a tomb with his brother in this parish church.
  • [i] Francesco served this gonfalone in the Tre Maggiore and had a tomb in this parish church.
  • [j] Giovanni's father established a tomb in the cemetery of Santa Croce, but he represented the Scala district in the Tre maggiori, and his family was associated with the parish of Santa Felicita.
  • [k] Mona Tora was declared by her sons as a member of their household in their 1427 catasto declaration.