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Badia 007 memorial to M. Giannozzo Pandolfini

Rosselli Number 7.0
Memorial Type
Status extant
Current Repository in situ
Primary Installation wall
Secondary Installation no additional components
Tomb Form wall tomb
Liturgical Orientation N
Documented Types
  • sepolcro
Component Parts
  • coffin
  • arch
Decorative Elements
  • white
  • red
Database ID 11677


November 19th, 1456 a
before May 26th, 1467 b

Individuals (5 total)

Pandolfini, Pandolfo di M. Giannozzo di M. Agnolo di Filippo di S. Giovanni
January 1457 (year is approximate) to March 1457 (year is approximate)
Pandolfini, Pierfilippo di M. Giannozzo di M. Agnolo di Filippo di S. Giovanni
May 26th, 1457
Antonio di Meo di Niccolò di Sacco (da Settignano)
circa 1461 (date is approximate) to 1467
Pandolfini, Giannozzo (messer) di M. Agnolo di Filippo di S. Giovanni di S. Giacomo
circa 1467 (date is approximate) to present c
Pandolfini, Giannozzo di Pierfilippo di M. Giannozzo di M. Agnolo di Filippo (secondo) d
October 27th, 1555

Groups (1 total)

circa 1467 (date is approximate) to present e

Related Memorials (3 total)

Badia 053 Ghiberti:
Badia 055 Jacopo Vannucci:
Badia 060 Filiorum Tedaldi:


  • [a] Though Giannozzo Pandolfini died in November 1456, the tomb was not completed until 1467
  • [b] For the agreement dated May 26th, 1427 between Pierfilippo di M. Giannozzo Pandolfini and the stone carver Antonio di Meo da Settignano to appoint appraisers to assess the value of M. Giannozzo's tomb, see Louis A. Waldman, “The Patronage of a Favorite of Leo X: Cardinal Niccolò Pandolfini, Ridolfo Ghirlandaio and the Unfinished Tomb by Baccio Da Montelupo.” Mitteilungen Des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz 48, no. 1/2 (2004): 105–28 (pp. 127-128).
  • [c] While the inscription carries Giannozzo's date of death, November 19th, 1456, the monument was only finished by 1467. Giannozzo had requested burial in his grandfather's tomb at the foot of the high altar stairs.
  • [d] The description of Giannozzo's place of burial "infralle panche di verso S. Maria Magdalena" indicates a position near the wall tomb of his grandfather rather than the older family tomb at the foot of the chancel steps.
  • [e] Though the monument carries the date November 19th, 1456, it was not completed until 1467.