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S. Spirito 9 Cappella della Palla a

Alternate Names

  • Cappella dei Buonuomini di S. Martino
  • Cappella dei tre arcangeli
  • Palla-Buonomini Chapel
  • Ruggiero 33
  • TCI 7
Rosselli Number 9.0
Memorial Type chapel
Status partial
Current Repository in situ
Primary Installation na
Secondary Installation na
Tomb Form na
Liturgical Orientation S
Documented Types
  • cappella
Component Parts
  • mensa
  • b
  • plaque c
Decorative Elements
Database ID 469


May 7th, 1471 to October 2nd, 1471 d
1636 e
March 5th, 1696 to 1698 f

Inscriptions (2 total)

1928 D.O.M. / ANN.DOM.MDCXXXVI / QVESTA CAPPELLA GIÀ DELLA / NOBIL FAMIGLIA DELLA PALLA / OGGI È DELL' OꝐA DE' / PROCVRATORI DE' POVERI / VERGOGNIOSI DI S MARTINO / DETTI BVONOMINI To God, the Best and Greatest. In the year of our Lord 1636. This chapel formerly of the noble Della Palla family is today of the opera of the procurators of the shame-faced poor of San Martino called the Buonomini
1929 D.O.M. / ORNATA CON LICENZA DE' BVONVOMINI / DI S.MARTINO / PADRONI DI QVESTA / CAPPELLA / PER ISTRVMENTO ROGATO / M.ANTONIO CORSINI / IL DI V MARZO MDCVC To God, the Best and Greatest. Decorated with permission of the Buonuomini of San Martino through a contract drawn up by Messer Antonio Corsini on the fifth day of March 1695 (o.s.)

Individuals (1 total)

della Palla, Mariotto di Marco di Bernardo di Marco (speziale alla Palla)
July 5th, 1471 to October 2nd, 1471

Groups (4 total)

della Palla
August 13th, 1460 to 1636
della Palla
October 2nd, 1471 to present
Buonuomini di San Martino
1636 to 1866 h
Buonuomini di San Martino
1636 to present


  • [a] Soon after the fire of March 1471, Mariotto della Palla commissioned Neri di Bicci to paint an altarpiece showing the archangel Raphael with Tobias, flanked by archangels Michael on the left and Gabriel on the right, as recorded in the painter's Libro di ricordanze on 7 May 1471. Though the position of the angels is reversed, scholars follow W. R. Valentiner in identifying the main panel from this altarpiece as the picture now in the Detroit Institute of Arts, its removal and separation of its predella made possible by the fact that the chapel passed to the Congregazione dei Buonuomini di San Martino in 1636. They received permission to redecorate the chapel, commemorated in a plaque dated 5 March 1695 (o.s.) and hired Giovanni Baratta to sculpt the large stucco relief of Tobias and the angel, echoing the earlier altarpiece. The della Palla family arms were included at the summit of the scene in a scrolled frame flanked by flower garlands, and the ensemble was completed by 1698.
  • [b] Neri di Bicci, Tobias and Three Archangels, 1471, tempera, oil (?), gold and silver on wood panel. Detroit Institute of Arts, City of Detroit Purchase, 26.114
  • [c] two separate plaques
  • [d] Neri di Bicci creates and delivers altarpiece at request of Mariotto di Marco della Palla
  • [e] della Palla died out, perhaps in 16th century, taken over by charitable society of Buonomini
  • [f] relief showing Raphael and Tobias installed
  • [g] though most of their decoration has been lost or sold, their coat of arms was retained in the decoration installed by the Buonomini
  • [h] became perpetual possession City of Florence in mid 19th century
  • [i] plaque commemorates transfer from della Palla to San Martino
  • [j] two plaques identify their patronage