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Carmine records indicate that the transept "crociata" was 96 Florentine braccia long and about 18 braccia wide with five chapels, the larger Cappella maggiore at the center

Building S. Maria del Carmine
Object Type
Space Type
Status extant
Site indoors
Count of Memorials 5
Count of Memorials in Sub-Spaces 92
Database ID 10295

Individuals (8 total)

Martellini, (uxor Pietro di Zucchero Soderini) burial circa 1393 (date is approximate) to 1400s
del Pugliese, Francesco di Andrea di Jacopo burial December 24th, 1666
del Pugliese, Francesco di Pugliese burial; honoree 1375; circa 1375 (date is approximate) to January 28th, 1771
del Pugliese, Niccolò di Jacopo heir circa 1666 (date is approximate) a
Soderini, Francesco (signore) di Gaspero di Niccolò di Bernardo di Niccolò burial b September 6th, 1665 c
Soderini, Niccolò di Geri di Stefano di Ruggero di Soderino burial; honoree March 21st, 1382; circa 1382 to circa 1771 d
Soderini, Pietro di Zucchero di Soderino di Guccio di Bonsignore honoree; burial March 15th, 1393; March 15th, 1393
Soderini, Stefano di Raffaello di Stefano di Raffaello di Stefano burial December 6th, 1640 e

Groups (3 total)

Martellini honoree circa 1393 (date is approximate) to January 28th, 1771
del Pugliese honoree circa 1375 (date is approximate) to January 28th, 1771
Soderini honoree circa 1382 to 1881; circa 1393 (date is approximate) to January 28th, 1771 f


  • [a] or his heirs inherit the tomb
  • [b] for him and his descendants
  • [c] had to be buried here instead of Tommaso's tomb because of prohibition on burial under place of consecrated host, his descendants complained and they were buried in Tommaso's tomb
  • [d] carries year of Niccolò's death in old style; unclear when it was installed
  • [e] last in this branch
  • [f] carries year of Niccolò's death in old style; unclear when it was installed