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largest chapel at center of east transept, flanked on each side by three smaller chapels

Building S. Maria del Carmine
Object Type
Space Type chapel
Status partial
Site indoors
Count of Memorials 7
Database ID 10143

Sub-Spaces (1 total)

Individuals (30 total)

Atticciati, Domenico di Bartolomeo artist 1580s
Benedetto di Bartolomeo di Riccio di Grazino (da Rovezzano) artist 1509 to 1515
Betti Bernardi, Filippo di Lodovico (fra Cosimo) commissioner circa 1570s (date is approximate) to circa 1580s (date is approximate)
Buontalenti, Bernardo di Francesco di Lionardo artist a circa 1570s (date is approximate) to circa 1580s (date is approximate)
Colonna, Martin V (Papa) officiant 1422
Gaddi, Agnolo di Taddeo di Gaddo di Zanobi (dipintore) artist 1390s b
Guicciardini, Nicolò (signore) di Sig. Luigi commissioner 1677
Macigni, Ginevra di Filippo di Niccolò (uxor Niccolò di Lorenzo Soderini) remembrance c starting February 18th, 1483 through 1760 d
Del Migliore, Giovanna di Ciao (uxor Guccio di Tommaso Soderini, vedova Jacopo Ammannati) burial
Nerli, Cantino di M. Nerlo di M. Gherardo di Nerlo di M. Gherardo commissioner 1318 e
Rinuccini, Filippa di M. Francesco (uxor Cavaliere Tommaso di Guccio Soderini) honoree
Soderini, Antonio di Bernardo di Niccolò di Lorenzo di Tommaso remembrance starting December 9th, 1512, every December through at least 1760 f
Soderini, Bernardo di Niccolò di Lorenzo di Tommaso di Guccio remembrance g starting December 9th, 1512 annually on this date; starting December 1538 every December through at least 1760
Soderini, Francesco di Bernardo di Niccolò di Lorenzo di Tommaso heir h May 27th, 1538
Soderini, Francesco (signore) di Gaspero di Francesco di Gaspero di Niccolò (giovinetto) burial i October 6th, 1754
Soderini, Francesco (signore) di Gaspero di Niccolò di Bernardo di Niccolò heir j 1595 to 1665
Soderini, Francesco di Tommaso di Guccio di Stefano di Ruggero owner 1422 k
Soderini, Gaspero Felice di Francesco di Gaspero di Francesco di Gaspero heir l 1730 m
Soderini, Gaspero di Francesco di Gaspero di Niccolò di Bernardo burial 1673 n
Soderini, Gianfrancesco di Bernardo di Niccolò di Lorenzo di Tommaso heir o May 27th, 1538
Soderini, Jacopo (fra) di Giovanfrancesco di Bernardo di Niccolò di Lorenzo (OP) heir p 1568
Soderini, Lorenzo di Carlo di Carlo di Niccolò di Bernardo burial q circa 1661
Soderini, Lorenzo di Niccolò di Lorenzo di Tommaso di Guccio bequest April 1st, 1525
Soderini, Niccolò di Bernardo di Niccolò di Lorenzo di Tommaso heir r May 27th, 1538
Soderini, Piero di Tommaso di Lorenzo di Tommaso di Guccio honoree 1515 to present
Soderini, Silvestro di Giovanni di Stefano di Ruggero di Soderino remembrance every November from about 1612 through at least 1760 s
Soderini, Tommaso (messer) di Guccio di Stefano di Ruggero di Soderino commissioner; burial; honoree 1390; September 1402; circa 1402 to circa 1771 t
Soderini, Tommaso di Lorenzo di Tommaso di Guccio di Stefano bequest; burial; remembrance October 1485, prior to the 27th; October 27th, 1485; starting October 27th, 1486 annually on this date
Tornabuoni, Dianora di M. Francesco (uxor Tommaso di Lorenzo Soderini) burial; remembrance March 17th, 1461; starting March 13th, 1486 annually on this date
Venturi, Lucrezia di Jacopo di Francesco di Jacopo di Francesco (uxor Bernardo di Niccolò Soderini) remembrance starting December 9th, 1512, every December through at least 1760 u

Groups (4 total)

Arte dei Calimala heir v circa 1600 to 1760
Nerli owner 1318 to 1353 w
Serragli owner 1353 to 1390 x
Soderini honoree; owner 1380s to 1881; 1390 to present; 1515 to present


  • [a] designer
  • [b] at behest of Soderini
  • [c] recorded in 1760 as cessation of mass as heirs no longer want to pay for it
  • [d] every year for her soul in the month of February through 1760 when perpetual mass was stopped per agreement with Gian Francesco Soderini and friars
  • [e] testament drawn up in Avignon; built up through arch of the vault
  • [f] annual mass in month of December for him and for his mother
  • [g] second bequest at his death for another mass for him
  • [h] becomes responsible for annual payments for father, brother, and grandmother's annual masses together with his surviving brothers
  • [i] still alive at compilation of Libro Padronati, but he had rights to tomb
  • [j] had to be buried in Niccolò di Geri's tomb instead of this one because of prohibition on burial under place of consecrated host, his descendants complained and they were buried in Tommaso's tomb
  • [k] has altar and church consecrated by Pope Martin V; completed chapel construction and decoration begun by Nerli, namely frescoes and large stained-glass window
  • [l] refused to pay
  • [m] death of father
  • [n] his heirs made a fuss when they tried to refuse burial in this tomb at foot of altar
  • [o] becomes responsible for annual payments for father, brother, and grandmother's annual masses together with his surviving brothers
  • [p] annual payment for Ginevra's mass becomes responsibility of heirs of grandson Giovannifrancesco di Bernardo
  • [q] tomb passed to him and his descendants
  • [r] becomes responsible for annual payments for father, brother, and grandmother's annual masses together with his surviving brothers
  • [s] annual sung mass and perpetual lamp move to high altar
  • [t] finished the chapel and hired Agnolo Gaddi to paint walls
  • [u] for an annual mass in month of December
  • [v] responsible for providing the oil for bequest; unclear when they took over but written after discussion of moving lamp so presuming after 1600
  • [w] testament of Cantino Nerli left money to start chapel, left unfinished
  • [x] though Rosselli gives this association, does not seem to have been noted by frati in Libro dei Padronato