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Brunacci a

Though lists of priors (prioriste) label this family as "di Ser Mino poi Bonaccolti," here they are indexed as the Brunacci, the name that appears on a family tomb that once stood in the north cemetery at Santa Croce. This usage is to keep the clan distinct from their married kin, known by various names including Malescotti and Baldovinetti Bonaccolti, through Caterina di Bonaccolto di Filippo di Lapo, presumably the source of the Bonaccolti name used by some of ser Mino's descendants. Family members who used this later surname can be found under Buonaccolti.

Alternate Names

  • Accolti
  • Bonaccolti
  • Bonaccolti Brunacci
  • Bonaccolti di Ser Mino
  • Buonaccolti
  • no surname used b
  • Sermini c
  • Ser Mino

Heraldry Information

D'azzurro, allo scaglione riverso d'oro accantonato da una stella a otto punte dello stesso; con il capo cucito d'Angiò.

Group Type d
Held One or More Priorates? yes
Year of First Priorate 1457
Year of Last Priorate 1464
Total Priorates Held 2
Ceramelli Number 766
Branded Magnate? no
Malespini Lineage no
Dante Lineage no
Villani Lineage no
Molho Rank Not Listed
Padgett Rank New-new men, 1378-1433
Padgett Lineage yes
Litchfield Lineage no
Database ID 1443

Memorials (1 total)

S. Croce cemetery 032.2 sons of S. Zanobi di S. Mino de Brunacci
after 1440 through the 1770s e

Related Individuals (2 total)

Buonaccolti, Piero di Zanobi (gentiluomo)
Malescotti Bonaccolti, Caterina (mona) di Bonaccolto di Filippo di Lapo di Baldovinetto (uxor ser Zanobi di ser Mino Brunacci)

Related Groups (1 total)

Buonaccolti (family)

Sources (4 total)

ASF, Ceramelli Papiani Online fasc. 766 (as Bonaccolti)
ASF, Manoscritti, 624, Rosselli, Sepoltuario Fiorentino, 1657 (copy) pp. 385, no. 32 and 444, no. 2
ASF, Manoscritti, 253, Priorista Mariani VI fol. 1423v-1424 (as di ser Mino poi Bonaccolti)
J. Padgett, Open Elite? app., p. 18 as di ser Mino


  • [a] The Ceramelli Papiani archive indexes the family as Bonaccolti but notes the use of the names "di Ser Mino," "Brunacci," and "Buonaccolti."
  • [b] Numerous documents including the catasto and Online Tratte indicate that members of this family frequently used no surname at all.
  • [c] Some records related to this family appear under the surname Sermini in the online Tratte.
  • [d] Padgett seems to have conflated two clans known as di Ser Mino in his list. One, who lived in the parish of San Frediano in Santo Spirito Ferza had one prior in 1390. The other, resident in the Santa Croce quarter, did not enter the priorate until 1457 and should thus be in Padgett's Medici-era category.
  • [e] A slab with an inscription naming naming ser Zanobi's family as the Brunacci was first mentioned by Stefano Rosselli in the mid-seventeenth century. The north cemetery seems to have been destroyed in the early 1780s.