Troncato d'oro e di nero, a quattro catene moventi dai quattro angoli dello scudo e riunite in cuore per un anello, il tutto dell'uno all'altro, i.e.
Divided horizontally gold over black with four chains of opposite colors coming from the corners of the shield, united at center with a ring
Group Type
groups related by blood, marriage, and/or adoption
named in memorial inscription and/or represented by coat of arms
Alternate Names: dedicatee
Getty ID: 300404867
1370s to January 28th, 1771
presumed role based on incomplete evidence; for burials, we know the burial is in this church, we think it is in this tomb; for patronage and other relationships, there is evidence to suggest the connection, but it has not been confirmed
[b] Though the patronage rights to the chapel quickly passed to the Velluti family, a Zati coat of arms remains in the mural decoration. It was not recorded in the sepoltuari, however, and may have been obscured or a reconstruction by the restorer Galileo Chini in 1899.