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Building S. Spirito
Object Type
Space Type
Status lost
Site outdoors
Count of Memorials 2
Database ID 10294

Memorials (2 total)

S. Spirito 388 Lapino Barbiere
after 1427 through 1652 a
S. Spirito 388 S. Niccoletto da Montevarchi
circa 1390s (date is approximate) to 1420s b

Individuals (2 total)

Lapino, Lapino (barbiere) honoree possibly as early as the 1430s to 1652
da Montevarchi, Niccoletto (ser) di Paolo owner likely installed between 1390s and 1420s c

Groups (2 total)

Lapino honoree possibly as early as the 1430s to 1652
da Montevarchi owner likely installed between 1390s and 1420s d


  • [a] unclear when Ser Niccoletto's gravesite passed to Lapino, but location was destroyed in 1652
  • [b] likely installed between the start of his political activity and his death in 1427
  • [c] Ser Niccoletto died in 1427, but unclear when his gravesite passed to Lapino barbiere
  • [d] Ser Niccoletto died in 1427, but unclear when his gravesite passed to Lapino barbiere