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S. Spirito

Affiliations (1 total)
  • Augustinians (OSA)
Database ID 112

Alternate Names

  • S. Maria di tutti i Santi e Spirito Santo
  • S. Matteo in Lepore


1250 a
1269 b
1269 to 1471 c
August 28th, 1397 d
January 19th, 1434 e
May 1445 f
February 1446 to June 1st, 1471 g
1482 h
1564 to 1569 i
1599 to 1608 j
circa 1620 (date is approximate) k

Affiliated Groups (3 total)

frati agostiniani di Santo Spirito
1250 to 1808 l
Opera di Santo Spirito
Ordo Eremitarum Sancti Augustini

Memorials (524 total)

Memorialized Groups (302)

297 Families (click to expand)

Memorialized Individuals (273)


  • [a] established as mendicant friary of Augustinian Friars
  • [b] construction begins on new church
  • [c] old church (chiesa vecchia) burned in fire
  • [d] first proposal to build new church in gratitude for victory over Milan on Feast of St. Augustine
  • [e] Piero di Gregorio del Benino and Stoldo di Lionardo Frescobaldi elected operai with hope of commencing chiesa nuova
  • [f] rebuilt with new church under plan by Filippo Brunelleschi and first column erected in this year
  • [g] chapel allocations begin though work proceeds slowly until fire after Pentecost
  • [h] new church put into use in early 1482
  • [i] new cloister built by Bartolommeo Ammannati
  • [j] choir newly built by Caccini
  • [k] first cloister rebuilt by Giulio Parigi and his son Alfonso; decorated in 1700s with Augustinian narratives
  • [l] A community of Augustinian friars was established in Florence in 1250, with their first church completed in 1292 and rebuilt in the fifteenth century. Though the friary was suppressed in 1808, an Augustinian community is still responsible for the church.