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Altoviti, Guglielmo di Bardo di Guglielmo di Vinta di Caccia

Birth Family Altoviti
Gender male
Age at Death 66
Database ID 1906

Life Dates

1365 or 1367 a
before October 28th, 1431 b

Posts (9 total)

Office Government Date
Podestà (Podestà) Other
all of these: 1386, 1400, 1402 c
Tre Maggiori
March 15th, 1403 to June 14th, 1403
Tre Maggiori
January 1st, 1404 to February 28th, 1404
Tre Maggiori
July 1st, 1412 to August 31st, 1412
Tre Maggiori
December 15th, 1419 to March 14th, 1420
Tre Maggiori
September 7th, 1425 to January 6th, 1426
Tre Maggiori
January 1st, 1427 to February 28th, 1427
Tre Maggiori
September 7th, 1428 to January 6th, 1429
Tre Maggiori
March 15th, 1430 to June 14th, 1430

Memorials (2 total)

S. Croce 198 Bardo Altoviti
by October 28th, 1431
S. Croce 198 Bardo Altoviti
no later than October 28th, 1431

Extended Family (19 total)

Half siblings
Siblings in law
Great grandparents
Great great grandparents
Great aunts and uncles
Great great aunts and uncles
Great grandchildren
Great great grandchildren

Locations (2 total)

SS. Apostoli, Vipera, S. Maria Novella, Florence f
Vipera, S. Maria Novella, Florence birth
circa 1365 (date is approximate)

Sources (5 total)

ASF, Catasto, 1427 vol. 74, fol. 105-105v
L. Passerini, Genealogia e storia della famiglia Altoviti pp. 155-156, pl. XI
ASF, Manoscritti, 519, Carte Mariani Dei ins. I:12 (Altoviti)
D. Herlihy et al., Online Catasto of 1427 vol. 74: 105
D. Herlihy et al., Online Tratte rec. 411263, 61620, 119278, 119279, 61621, 61622, 119280, 61623, 61624, 61625, 61626, 61627


  • [a] Guglielmo di Bardo Altoviti gave his age as 62 his 1427 catasto declaration and again in 1429 to tratte officials.
  • [b] Though Passerini reports a 1432 year of death for Guglielmo di Bardo Altoviti, he was registered as dead when drawn for the office of Prior on October 28th, 1431.
  • [c] Guglielmo was first elected Podestà to Modigliana when he was only twenty-one years old. He also held this post for Montevarchi in 1400 and Montecatini in 1402. In addition, he served as castellano of Pistoia in 1392 and Arezzo in 1397.
  • [d] Given that his father's tomb passed to his son, it seems likely that Guglielmo would have been buried here. Gravedigger records, however, would confirm both his date of death and burial location.
  • [e] The tomb was refurbished by Guglielmo's great-great grandson Guglielmo di Francesco Altoviti in 1617.
  • [f] The Altoviti were long associated with this parish and had several memorials in its church. Guglielmo di Bardo Altoviti was renting a house from kinfolk on Borgo Santi Apostoli in 1427.