The north side of the friary church of Santa Croce once served as a cemetery. Tomb registers describe three separate sections: an uncovered portion along the road, a raised, covered section along the church wall, and a third, uncovered section at the same height against the Bardi chapel, which terminated the north transept.
The oldest surviving Santa Croce sepoltuario describes the uncovered portion as "Sepolture del cimitero vecchio di sop[ra] di v[er]so la via della giusti[zi]a le quali sono cop[er]te in prima, referring to the uncovered space in front of the portico that runs along the north exterior flank of the church and via di San Giuseppe, formerly known as the via della Giustizia.
groups related by blood, marriage, and/or adoption
[a] While the 1439 sepoltuario gives this tomb to Dinuccio di Duccio da Monte Rinaldi, later copies transcribed Dinucci et Ducci, raising questions as to whether Duccio was Dinuccio's father and/or brother and also an honoree/owner of this tomb.